Category: Technology

  • Gladiator Games over the James

    Gladiator Games over the James

    The Gladstone Gladiators have spent the past two months dividing their time between geological field research in central Virginia and lab research in the Geology department at William & Mary. They’ve made great progress, mapping through the summer heat and, in the process, are working out the complex structural architecture of the Piedmont. Our research…

  • Going Low, W&M’s Keck Lab Measures Its Lowest Temperature Ever

    Going Low, W&M’s Keck Lab Measures Its Lowest Temperature Ever

    The eastern half of the United States is gripped by intense cold, and William & Mary’s campus is wrapped in snow and ice. Earlier today, the Keck Environmental Field Laboratory registered its lowest temperature ever as the thermometer bottomed out at -16.9˚ C (1.5˚ F). The Keck Lab’s weather station has been operating since 2003,…

  • Earth Structure & Dynamics: Dreaming in 3D

    Earth Structure & Dynamics: Dreaming in 3D

    One of the courses I am teaching this term is Earth Structure & Dynamics (GEOL 323), a second-level geology course, and a required class for all Geology majors. This course combines structural geology, tectonics, geophysics, and a pinch of historical geology. Thirty-four students enrolled in this year’s class, that’s plenty, and free seats are hard…