Tag: geology classes

  • Explorations in Time-Depth Space: The Earth Structure & Dynamics Field Trip 2017

    Explorations in Time-Depth Space: The Earth Structure & Dynamics Field Trip 2017

    The Earth Structure & Dynamics class field trip rolled west from Williamsburg to the Blue Ridge Mountains on a near perfect early spring weekend in late March. Once again it was time for our annual class field trip to examine rocks and structures in the field and make sense of the Appalachian orogen. On the…

  • College 100 – A Name on the Wind

    College 100 – A Name on the Wind

    William & Mary’s class of 2019 is the first to embark upon the new College Curriculum. The new curriculum requires all students to complete a COLL 100 course during their first year at W&M. COLL 100 courses are 4-credit classes that are about big questions and big ideas — the significant concepts, beliefs and creative…

  • Field Methods 2014: Put Your Hiney in the Piney

    Field Methods 2014: Put Your Hiney in the Piney

    When many of my academic colleagues (both at W&M and further afield) learn that I write a blog it is commonly followed by an amused grin and a question along the line of “why besmirch yourself with a blog?” In the academy, peer-reviewed publications, primarily in academic journals and books, are the coin of the…

  • SNOMI – The Summer Nighttime Outdoor Misery Index

    SNOMI – The Summer Nighttime Outdoor Misery Index

    During the summer academic geologists commonly spend time in the field doing research; it’s one of the great things about studying the Earth. I’m fortunate to work on projects from Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains to the deserts of Oman, and at many of our field sites we camp while conducting research. This summer, with the…